
Vampire Backgrounds

Vampire & Goth Backgrounds - Seamless Repeating Background Images For Vampire & Goth Profiles, Dark Profiles, My Space, Blog Backgrounds and Websites

The 7 Greatest LIES that have held you back - and the 7 TRUTHS that will set you free!

Ultraviolet Seamless Website Backgrounds Collection

Ultraviolet Seamless Website Backgrounds Collection

For those times when blue is too blue, and purple isn't purple enough - well then you just need ultraviolet.

Here is a collection of 15 ultraviolet seamless repeating website images and textures for the other side of the darkest night.

Mar 5, 2012 28,160 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->

Vampire Backgrounds: Black Dreams

Vampire Backgrounds: Black Dreams

The Black Dreams seamless repeating background collection - perfect for dark, vampire & goth sites, profiles, spaces and blogs.

Very effective background to enhance your content in many gorgous colours - and black.

Jul 18, 2011 36,299 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->

Graveyard Backgrounds For Vampire, Goth & Dark Sites

Graveyard Backgrounds For Vampire, Goth & Dark Sites

A misty graveyard at the witching hour ... what could be more romantic ...?

Here is a nice graveyard background for vampire, goth and dark sites in a choice of many wonderfully atmospheric colours.

Pack that picknic basket!

Jul 18, 2011 35,522 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->

Vampire Backgrounds: Spooky Trees

Vampire Backgrounds: Spooky Trees

Snarly gnarly branches of spooky trees in a haunted forest make a wonderful background for any vampire, dark or goth website, space, profile or blog.

A gallery of 12 spooky tree background images that don't compete with your content and pictures but provide the perfect background instead.

Jul 18, 2011 33,981 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->

Vampire Backgrounds: Vampire Castle

Vampire Backgrounds: Vampire Castle

Kicking off our new section for vampire, goth and dark website seamless backgrounds, here's what every vampire needs - a nice spooky castle to haunt at night and rest in the day :-)

A nice collection of Vampire Castles in many suitably spooky colours - enjoy!

Jul 18, 2011 28,225 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->

34 Colorful Silk Fabric Backgrounds

34 Colorful Silk Fabric Backgrounds

I tend to make galleries of seamless repeating backgrounds when I get stressed; and I suspect the kind of backgrounds I make have something to do with the kind of stress I'm under at the time. What does it say about a person when they feel the need to make 34 sumptious silk images in the all the colours of the rainbow? Let's not speculate - instead enjoy my brand new silk backgrounds in many, many colors!

Mar 30, 2011 155,042 Reads Seamless Backgrounds -->


starfields All text and images © StarFields 1998 - 2017. All Rights Reserved. You are very welcome to use my background images on your website or blog free of charge. All other uses, please contact me for permission. Please do not hotlink the images, save them to your own computer first. Enjoy!

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