
Meerkat Background - Repeating Seamless Background Tile Of Meerkats

Meerkat Background - Repeating Seamless Background Tile Of Meerkats

Repeating seamless background tile images gallery of meerkat, meerkats, meerkat family, meerkat mob, meerkat babies - my God they're so CUTE!

The stars of Meerkat Manor have won our hearts. And if never a civilisation adopted the meerkat as a spirit animal before, I think we've done it now!

Find out about The Meerkat as your spirit animal here.

The 7 Greatest LIES that have held you back - and the 7 TRUTHS that will set you free!


Meerkat Babies Background Meerkat Babies Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Cute Meerkat Baby In Pink Background Cute Meerkat Baby In Pink Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Meerkat Baby In Green Background Seamless Tile Repeating Meerkat Baby In Green Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Meerkat Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill Meerkat Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Meerkat Family Background Seamless Tile Meerkat Family Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Meerkat Mob Background Seamless Meerkat Mob Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Funky Meerkat Mob Background Seamless Funky Meerkat Mob Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Beautiful Single Meerkat Portrait Background Beautiful Single Meerkat Portrait Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Baby Meerkat Portrait Background Baby Meerkat Portrait Background Seamless Repeating Tile Fill
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Enjoy Your Meerkat Background!


Meerkat Totem: The Meerkat As A Spirit Animal

The meerkat is the perfect example that good things can come in small packages - all things, indeed.

Wild and ferocious, loyal and brave, endlessly industrious, vigilant, but also curious and playful - all these things are aspects of the meerkat, as is the meerkat's small size.

Being small allows the meerkat to survive in places where other larger animals could not survive; it allows the meerkat to go underground and find safety.

To make up for its small size, the meerkat stands up tall to look around, and it will find the highest vantage point in the environment so it can see and hear and sense what is happening all around.

There is one more thing crucial to the essence of the meerkat - and that is family.

To a meerkat, the family isn't a luxury, or a nice cosy thing to fall back on when the going gets tough.

For a meerkat, the family IS EVERYTHING.

Without it, the meerkat will not survive. It needs the others to take turns to keep the watch so that one meerkat may eat in peace; it needs family to keep it warm at night; it needs family when there is a fight with another meerkat mob.

If you see one or more meerkats in a dream or in a vision, or on a vision quest, the meerkat offers its bravery, loyalty to family, power of survival, paying attention to what's going on around you, and most of all, to stand up tall like meerkats do.

And when the danger has passed, do what all meerkats are also born to do - relax, enjoy, and start to play!

Meerkat Messages:

  • Increase your activity levels!
  • Work more energetically.
  • Pay more attention to your family.
  • Be brave and stand up tall.
  • And don't forget to play!
Posted Mar 1, 2009


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